Monday, October 8, 2012

I'm officially hooked.

    Yes, I realize this post is early. So what? More reading content for you guys!

     So, to get things started, I'm going to talk a little about my true weakness when it comes to getting sucked into a new FIFA game. I most certainly do enjoy the game play, and the updates, and the interesting new feature(s) that held my attention for. . . Roughly 4 days (I'm talking about you, skill games). Don't get me wrong, the rest of the game is fantastic and I'm super glad I splurged and spent the $60 I did to get a copy, but the one thing that really made me want to buy it, was a little thing called Ultimate Team.
     Ah yes, a simple little sub-game that consists of purchasing players with coins, trading with other players, and all-in-all trying to make the best squad you possibly can. There are essentially two ways you can go about this game. There's the "on-a-budget" way, which the vast majority of the UT community goes with, simply because they're kind of forced to, and there's the "blow all my coins on shiny things" way, which basically involves getting super lucky when opening a pack and accumulating a decent amount of coins, then spending it all on an amazing squad and being left with nothing except the squad. I'm extremely happy to say that I have been given the opportunity to go with the "blow all my coins on shiny things" method, due to a rather lucky pack opening last Tuesday night. . .
     Dani-freaking-Alves, ladies and gentlemen. The Brazilian FC-Barcelona Right Back, with a current value of around 190,000 coins. I saw his name in those big beloved black letters, and, to give a rough estimate, sounded somewhat like this kid.
     Yeah, I flipped out, so what? I just got around six-times what I've ever had in my ultimate team career. I sold him for 182,000, and was too happy for words. I'm currently working on putting together a decent team, so give it some time! I'll be back Thursday for another blog, so don't you guys worry.

     Also! If you're on PS3, make sure to send me a message and maybe we'll play a bit together. My PSN is MeTroLoGyy, so feel free to pop me a request. I'll be glad to play mostly anyone!

-Tyler (MeTroLoGyy)

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